Înainte de am discuta Alma capitolul 13, trebuie să stabilim niște definiții, bazate pe discuție în partea 1.
Preoție este o asociația. Când cineva este ordinat ca preot în biserica, intră în asociația preoțească de oameni. Aceasta asociație omenească este accesibilă numai pentru bărbați, și ei au grijă de lucruri administrative. Dar preoția, despre care citim în scripturi (Alma 13, D&L 84, etc) este o asociația cerească. Sunt mai multe niveluri, cum cineva se aproprie de Dumnezeu. Primul nivel este asociere cu îngeri și ultimul nivel este asociere cu Dumnezeu Însuși (D&L 84:19-22). Și oricine poate să ia legătură cu cerul: adulți și copii, bărbați și femeii.
"Vă dau porunca de a vă învăţa unul pe altul doctrina împărăţiei." (D&L 88:77)
06 septembrie 2016
31 august 2016
Preotie, partea 1
Aș dori să traduc sau rescriu în limba română articolul meu din februarie, în care am scris despre Alma 13. Este un capitol unic în Cartea lui Mormon, pentru că este singurul loc în care apară cuvântul "preoție." Interesant, nu? Ne am gândi ca ar fi o tema mai importantă. Și când vorbim despre capitolul la biserica, nici nu incercăm să înțelegem despre ce e vorba, sau folosim pasajul ca evidență căliderii noștri sunt chemați de înainte ca să fie lideri și preoți. Chiar dacă interpretarea asta este corectă, este așa de superficială ca să ascundă mesajul mai importantă, care este pentru noi toți, nu numai pentru liderii.
Ca să incepem discuția despre preoție, trebuie să citim și în afară de Cartea lui Mormon. Vă rog să citiți D&L 84 și JST Geneza 14: 25-40 (din Perla de Mare Preț). După ce ați citit, vă invit să considerați niște intrebări:
Ca să incepem discuția despre preoție, trebuie să citim și în afară de Cartea lui Mormon. Vă rog să citiți D&L 84 și JST Geneza 14: 25-40 (din Perla de Mare Preț). După ce ați citit, vă invit să considerați niște intrebări:
04 aprilie 2016
Christopher Nemelka: My Take
I no longer remember the context, but a few years ago someone told me about the sealed portion of the Book Mormon supposedly being translated. I found it online, glanced through it, and dismissed it almost immediately as a fake, and thought no more about it.
It has come up again recently, and so I decided to take a better look at it and Christopher Nemelka, the guy who claims he translated it. Apparently he has a bit of a following, and a few people are taking his work seriously.
There are a couple problems with just writing him off like everyone else does. If you do a google search on his name, you will come up with a bunch of anti-Chris Nemelka sites filled with vitriol and malice. The tone of a lot of the criticism is exactly like the tone of much of the anti-Joseph Smith stuff. I'm sure that fact alone makes him and his followers feel vindicated. And of course, if you simply dismiss Nemelka's work as fraudulent, he can just point out that you can't judge the work if you haven't read it (the way many LDS often respond to critics regarding the Book of Mormon).
So I decided this morning I would delve in and decide whether the "Sealed Portion of the Book of Mormon" has merit on its own terms, regardless of who the author is. I wasn't able to read all 600+ pages, but I got through enough of it to make a reasonable judgment, I believe. Here are a few key observations.
It has come up again recently, and so I decided to take a better look at it and Christopher Nemelka, the guy who claims he translated it. Apparently he has a bit of a following, and a few people are taking his work seriously.
There are a couple problems with just writing him off like everyone else does. If you do a google search on his name, you will come up with a bunch of anti-Chris Nemelka sites filled with vitriol and malice. The tone of a lot of the criticism is exactly like the tone of much of the anti-Joseph Smith stuff. I'm sure that fact alone makes him and his followers feel vindicated. And of course, if you simply dismiss Nemelka's work as fraudulent, he can just point out that you can't judge the work if you haven't read it (the way many LDS often respond to critics regarding the Book of Mormon).
So I decided this morning I would delve in and decide whether the "Sealed Portion of the Book of Mormon" has merit on its own terms, regardless of who the author is. I wasn't able to read all 600+ pages, but I got through enough of it to make a reasonable judgment, I believe. Here are a few key observations.
20 martie 2016
Întrebări de studiu: 2 Nefi 31 - Iacov 4
Întrebări de studiu: 2 Nefi 31-33
- Cum vorbește Nefi „într-un fel limpede”? (2 Nefi 31:2-3)
06 martie 2016
The Fulness of the Gospel
There was a mention in church today about how the Book of Mormon contains the "fulness of the gospel". Somehow that sounded off to me all of a sudden, so I decided to investigate. Here is what I found:
In his history, Joseph reported that the angel told him about a book written on gold plates. "He also said that the fulness of the everlasting Gospel was contained in it, as delivered by the Savior to the ancient inhabitants" (JS-H 1:34). So if we believe the angel, the gold plates contain the fulness of the gospel. This is repeated several times in the D&C.
In the first paragraph of the introduction to the Book of Mormon, the editors extended this statement, saying, "the Book of Mormon...contains the fulness of the everlasting gospel."
Is that true?
If the fulness of the gospel is one of the things in the book written on gold plates (often referred to in the revelations as the Book of Mormon), but today's Book of Mormon is only an extract from the original, what guarantee do we have that we have that the book published by the church today actually, truly contains the fulness of the everlasting gospel?
I realize that in the D&C, the Lord says multiple times that the "Book of Mormon" contains the fulness. But after rereading those passages, I'm not convinced that he is referring to what Joseph translated and published--I think it more likely that he means the entire book Mormon wrote.
In general, I think we are too quick to congratulate ourselves for all the truth we have, when the scriptures are clear that (1) there is a ton more that needs to be revealed, and (2) we are doing a pretty terrible job with what has already been revealed.
21 februarie 2016
Întrebări pentru studiu: 2 Nefi 3-10
Activitate pentru studiu: Iosife din 2 Nefi 3
Completează tabla cu detalii găsite în 2 Nefi 3 despre persoanele și grupurile numite
Completează tabla cu detalii găsite în 2 Nefi 3 despre persoanele și grupurile numite
17 februarie 2016
Alma's discussion of the high priesthood
I am rereading the book of Alma, and came across a chapter that in the past, never made much sense to me. In retrospect, I think it's because I had an incorrect understanding of the priesthood.
I now believe that the priesthood is simply a fellowship--Aaronic priesthood is a fellowship with angels, and Melchizedek priesthood is fellowship with God. Let's look at this definition of the Melchizedek priesthood from D&C 84:19-22: "And this greater priesthood administereth the gospel and holdeth the key of the mysteries of the kingdom, even the key of the knowledge of God. Therefore, in the ordinances thereof, the power of godliness is manifest. And without the ordinances thereof, and the authority of the priesthood, the power of godliness is not manifest unto men in the flesh; for without this no man can see the face of God, even the Father, and live."
I now believe that the priesthood is simply a fellowship--Aaronic priesthood is a fellowship with angels, and Melchizedek priesthood is fellowship with God. Let's look at this definition of the Melchizedek priesthood from D&C 84:19-22: "And this greater priesthood administereth the gospel and holdeth the key of the mysteries of the kingdom, even the key of the knowledge of God. Therefore, in the ordinances thereof, the power of godliness is manifest. And without the ordinances thereof, and the authority of the priesthood, the power of godliness is not manifest unto men in the flesh; for without this no man can see the face of God, even the Father, and live."
17 ianuarie 2016
Întrebări pentru studiu: 1 Nefi 8-15
- Cum a început visul lui Lehi? Care este semnificația? De ce avea visul chiar atunci?
- Unde s-a dus Lehi mai întăi, și cum a ajuns acolo? În ce secvență apar lucruri în visul lui, și de ce?
- Cum a fost pregătit Lehi în mod spiritual, ca să primească o revelație așa de importantă? Ce a făcut, ca să merite?
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